Friday, April 15, 2011

Is Islamophobia still lingering?

   I read a very interesting blog posting titled Islamophobia by Lyndi Vauhan. In her blog she discusses how Americans are still living in fear and condemnation of the muslim community over 10 years after the September 11 attacks. I agree with Lyndi in many ways. Although it is true that the september 11 hijackers were indeed muslims, their actions should not reflect on the entire muslim community. If you stop and think about how many who claimed to be Christians have murdered innocent people, we should all be scared of Christians as well. The actions of a few should not be placed over an entire group of people making up the world's second largest organized religion. On the other hand, I  believe that our Government is trying to reverse the tide. Acts like supporting the ground zero Mosque, providing grants for Muslim understanding, and aid to middle eastern protesters seem to be very politically driven. I feel that our Government is trying hard undo the damage caused by a few extremists, while at the same time protecting us from others who might want to follow their foot steps.

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